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Peninsula Bridge Club Inc is a non-profit association, incorporated under the NSW Association Incorporations Act (2009) and Associations Incorporation Regulation (2016) which are administered by the NSW Department of Fair Trading. The Club's Constitution was updated by a Special General Meeting on 16 May 2018 to take into account the 2016 Regulations with two further amendments approved at the AGM on 29 September 2018 and further amendments approved at the AGM on 26 November 2022.

The Peninsula Bridge Club started from humble beginnings in the 1960s with 1 January 1967 deemed to be the Foundation date and 1967 the year that really saw the Club get going together with its formal establishment.
The Early Days - 1960s
In the early 1960s, Bill Bale, his wife and Ada Sloman travelled to Lindfield for their bridge - a long journey - and explored the possibilities of a local venue. Ada was a member of the Newport Women’s Bowling Club and gained permission to use one of their rooms. So in September 1966, an informal bridge group commenced - the Peninsula Bridge Circle.
Welcome! Please join us for a friendly game of bridge at minimal cost in our top quality facilities on the beautiful northern beaches of Sydney (convenient parking and wheelchair access available). We offer:
- Regular duplicate bridge sessions and events six days a week (and some evenings)
- NSWBA tournament events with green, red and gold masterpoints
- A wide range of bridge education classes and workshops at all levels
Sarah Young, President