Self-Help Resources
These Self-Help Resources contain articles and for players who are developing their competitive bridge bidding and play. Note some of the bidding ideas suggested may be outside or beyond the bidding system that Peninsula's Bridge Education team teaches. Members should choose carefully, with their partners, what bidding conventions to adopt - and remember to alert opponents at the table if any of their bids might not be readily recognised or understood.
With these caveats in mind, members are invited to identify and review resources they believe other competitive members might find useful. Our goal is generally not to replicate what is published elsewhere but rather provide a helpful review/introduction and include a link to the resource. Please send your review article to David Farmer at

Joan Butts, until very recently, the ABF's Teaching Coordinator, provides a range of free short lesson videos on her YouTube channel.

Players looking to improve their declarer play will probably find BBO's free Bridge Master applet useful. It presents you with a range of specially selected teaching hands as declarer where you will fail unless you play the hand in the best way. Fortunately you can undo and replay - and consult the applet's step-by -step help - as required.

An option to test and improve your bridge if offered by the intermediate hand of the week challenge and other bridge puzzles offered by The Bridge Shop (located in Penshurst St, Willoughy). The Puzzle Corner provides a few different types of puzzles as well as a tip of the day.

For those who like You Tube, Peter Hollands provides many great bridge videos on Bridge Vid. Some content is for Patreon subscribers, but there is still a good range of free content suitable for a wide range of players. What I find particularly useful is to hear the way Peter thinks out loud when he is considering a bidding or playing challenge.

Based on the Joan Butts Online School of Bridge's Guided Paths, these weekly emailed refresher lessons will keep students up to date and confident about playing Bridge.
Register below to receive your weekly refresher lesson to your inbox on Monday mornings.

Larry Cohen, an acclaimed US bridge teacher and player, has a large range of useful articles on his website that are suitable for intermediate and advanced players. Helpfully the articles are grouped by topic and also noted with the bridge level for which Cohen believes they are appropriate. The articles are free - the cruises etc not so much.

This Week in Bridge is a large collection of quality short lessons/articles on all aspects of bridge bidding and play, maintained by well respected US bridge teacher and player, Robert Todd. The core lessons are divided into levels and include significant content suitable for intermediate and advanced players - though of course some of the ideas may be outside or beyond the bidding system the club teaches. The core lessons collection is free, but there are also value-added options such as videos, practice hands and podcasts.

Larry Cohen's large collection of bridge quizzes are extensive and well-constructed. Cohen is a well respected American teacher, and subject to the risk that they reflect the commonly played conventions in the United States, his collection of quizzes and other learning materials would be useful to competitively focused members.
The quizzes are divided into six segments:
- Defense
- 2/1 Game Force
- Doubles
- Bidding
- Conventions
- Declarer Play