Our directors are critical to our success in providing our members and visitors a great place to play bridge - from the newest player in a Practice Play session to a top-flight competitor in one of our congresses.
We are fortunate to have a large group of members who have volunteered to undertake the training to handle most of our sessions. We supplement these directors with external directors from time to time to handle some of our major competitions. You can see our directors and read their response to the question of why they became a director below:
Vickie Busteed
"I agreed to become a director because of my interest in teaching. The challenge also attracted me."
Sachiko Cathcart
Alan Davies
"I agreed to be a director when I was asked, and have always enjoyed it."
Vivien Eldridge
"I was asked to be Masterpoints Secretary, and then found out that this meant I had to become a director as well."
David Farmer
"I started directing to learn more about the game. I am continually impressed with directors making decisions and choosing movements that find the right balance between the social and competitive aspects of the game - always an interesting challenge. Our club is very fortunate to have a body of member directors prepared to help out the club in this way."
Simon Hunter
"John Rogers made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I enjoy directing, it's interesting and a way to contribute to the club. I have certainly learnt a lot."
Susan Jensen
"I became a director because I was a member of the Bridge Education team."
Leofric Kingsford-Smith
"I believe directing is about running a smooth and enjoyable session rather than just enforcing rules."
Bruce Kleem
"The main reason I was prepared to undertake the Directors course and the challengers of the directing role was to support our great club and members.
Hopefully this will also lead to a better understanding of this great game and improve my level of play."
Annegrete Kolding
Max Paterson
Sue Riley
"I volunteered when asked. I enjoyed playing in the club and thought I might help out."
John Rogers
Jim Rothwell
Terry Rothwell
Chief Director. "Our Bridge Club is run by volunteers and because, at one stage some years ago, there was a shortage of Club Directors, I volunteered. Being a Director can be quite demanding, but it is also a real pleasure to help members enjoy themselves playing a really interesting and challenging game."
Anne Small
"I started playing bridge in August 2004 and became so involved with game I decided to learn the rules becoming a director and teacher in 2005. Laws have seen many changes in that time but always with the view of fairness and understanding of systems to make the game a more level playing field. I have learnt that your only friend at the table is your partner so be kind and respectful to them.”
Cath Whiddon
"I undertook director training in 2011 when we decided to introduce supervised duplicate sessions at our club and so I could offer to direct restricted sessions at our special events."