From the Committee
The club's AGM was held on Saturday November 25th 2023 followed by a light lunch and a free red point session.
52 members attended and all resolutions were passed unanimously.
This article contains links to relevant documents.

I’d like to give you an introduction to masterpoints and the work involved to have them appear in your masterpoint record.
As in other countries the Australian Bridge Federation (ABF) coordinates a masterpoint scheme. Its three main goals are to:
- Stimulate interest in Contract Bridge,
- Provide a means of measuring player achievements, and
- Assist with the financing of the ABF’s national and international commitments.

As a club we aspire to facilitate enjoyable bridge for all. The diversity of our bridge players can add to this enjoyment - but can also present challenges if behaviours learned elsewhere conflict with common courtesy and the ethical foundations of our game. The club wants to encourage and celebrate positive behaviours and identify and appropriately respond to other behaviours that might threaten our goal of enjoyable bridge for all.
Here is the club's Code of Conduct (maintained in our Playing Rules):

You can view the Council's Public Exhibition and have your say here and in particular the Players Hall which will be our new home when the Centre is complete.
Northern Beaches Council on 25 August unanimously approved taking this concept design to Public Exhibition during September with the results of that engagement to be reported back to Council at its October meeting. Provided the Public Exhibition results are generally favourable it is expected that Council will approve proceeding with the Development Application.
Our new clubhouse meets the important needs of the club:

The now infamous words 'in these unprecedented times' aptly describe the last 5-6 months during which our club has reinvented itself, both online and with a 'different' clubhouse reopening on 29 June.
Many members have worked tirelessly so our members could stay connected and play bridge. Who could have imagined six months ago how active Peninsula players would become in online pairs and teams tournaments?
At the same time investigations were made about how and when the club could reopen and comply with the relevant Public Health Orders - and then appropriate procedures were developed and implemented. The clubhouse may not be the same as pre-COVID-19, but it's open, and we are cautiously moving forward under the mantra 'Safe Bridge=Great Bridge'.