Photo of the president

It is wonderful to feel the warmer weather as spring arrives. 

In August, members were competing at Coffs Harbour Congress, Blue Mountains Congress and nationally in the Australia Wide Pairs. Congratulations to all those who achieved good results.

This month we have a Members Teams day starting at 10am on Thursday 12th. Come along and join the fun. It is an event that is open to all members. If you and your partner are keen to play, put your name up and a team will be sorted out for you.

Later this month, Club members will be competing with other nearby bridge clubs in the Metro North Interclub Pairs, hosted by us - good luck to everyone. We won this last year.

Premises Update

We are in close communication with the Council, and being updated on the project’s progress.

We are preparing a comprehensive response to the questions and concerns raised by members over the last months. This will be available at the Club in September as printed handouts, as well as on the website and in email form.


Sarah Young