Partner finder
The club recognises that finding a partner can difficult and wishes to remind members of what possibilities are available:
We have a Bulletin Board for people seeking a medium to long term partner.
Pianola provides a partner finder service where members can advertise that they are looking for a partner for a particular session. We are able to help members who cannot use the internet. For more details see Partner Finder.
Current Vacancies
Judith Newman is looking for a regular partner for any of the daytime sessions. Contact her on 0415 615 512.
This is a simple guide:
- Go to Home Page of Peninsula Bridge Club
- Click on - Pianola in the Quick Links box
- Click on - Partner Finder - in Top Row
- Click on - Create a Partner Finder Advert
- Choose - Date you wish to play
- Choose - Session Require
Note that when you submit a partner wanted advertisement you do not get a copy of the email ad yourself.
If you have any problems or want to suggest a change to this guide, contact me on
We all have times when we want to fill a gap in our bridge calendar. The Club offers a wonderfully effective Partner Finder service provided through Pianola.
This is designed to be self-service and it is easy to use (see below for a simple guide) once you are logged in to Pianola. Members would have been sent an invitation to Pianola when they joined the club. If you can not now login to Pianola then:
- If you have never logged in to Pianola, ask the
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Bruce Kleem (see contact details below) to send you a new invitation and then watch for the email invitation to arrive - If you have previously logged in but have forgotten your Pianola password then use the Forgot my password link on the Pianola login screen - and wait for the password reset email to arrive
- If you do not have access to the internet then Bruce Kleem is happy to post a Partner Finder advert for you - contact Bruce on 0435 786 381 or
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .