The club recognises that finding a partner can difficult and wishes to remind members of what possibilities are available:

We have a Bulletin Board for people seeking a medium to long term partner. 

Pianola provides a partner finder service where members can advertise that they are looking for a partner for a particular session. We are able to help members who cannot use the internet. For more details see Partner Finder.

If you never see any emails from Pianola from people looking for a partner and would like to, you should log in and change your profile as by default you have to log in to see partner wanted advertisements:

          1  Log in to Pianola.
          2  Click on Partner Finder
          3  Click on Preferences
          4  Update your default preference to 'Notify'

For more information see the more detailed guides provided by Pianola.

If you cannot log in to Pianola, see Pianola help.

If you prefer to talk with someone about possible partners, some of our members have volunteered to help. For more details see Session Information.

If you are willing to be a fill-in player able to come in at very short notice and play with a walk-in, please add your details to the list by the directors' table. You get to play that day free and also get a free session card to use another time. Please ensure you keep your availability up to date.

NB it is the responsibility of the walk-in person (not the director) to phone the fill-ins.

We also offer a Buddy Program run by the Education Group for players wishing to move to a more advanced session. For more details see Buddy Program.

You may walk in to any Practice Play session without a partner.