Your committee has been exploring what actions we all need to help keep us healthy and to minimise or prevent the spread of Novel coronavirus at our club.
We are guided by the advice from the NSW Department of Health and Australian Department of Health - both of these sites offer authoritative information which is updated as new information becomes available.
What we all can do to help
- Stay at home if you are unwell - whether coronavirus or something else it is better not shared
- Of course please self-isolate for 14 days if you have travelled to or have had contact with anyone who has returned recently from northern Italy, Iran, South Korea or China (or from other places identified as coronavirus clusters) - let the club (and your partners) know so we can cheer you on
- Wash your hands well with soap and water (or use hand sanitiser) before each bridge session, before and after eating and after using the toilet
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow (or into a tissue which you then dispose of and wash/sanitise your hands)
- Minimise or avoid touching your face (particularly your mouth, nose and eyes which are the most common entry virus entry points)
- Minimise uninvited physical contact with others (including touching, kissing, hugging etc)
Doesn't sound so hard? Well, changing habits is very hard, and we may need to gently remind each other about these hygiene tips.
What the club is doing to help
- We currently provide hand sanitiser on the kitchen bench - we have also ordered sanitiser units for each table but it is currently in short supply and we do not know when it will arrive
- We will publish articles and display posters (similar to last year) to remind players about good hygiene
- We are investigating other changes that might help reduce the risk, such as:
- Working with our kitchen helpers group on their processes
- Considering individually wrapped biscuits
- Working with our directors to reduce the crowding at afternoon tea on our large afternoon sessions
- Investigating if our cleaning adequately covers commonly touched surfaces
- Working with Centre staff on aspects under their control
We are trying to follow the advice of planning for the worst, while hoping for the best. Our aim is for all our players to be and feel safe while in our club.
Feedback from members is very welcome to the Secretary,