From the Committee

Your committee has been exploring what actions we all need to help keep us healthy and to minimise or prevent the spread of Novel coronavirus at our club.
We are guided by the advice from the NSW Department of Health and Australian Department of Health - both of these sites offer authoritative information which is updated as new information becomes available.

Building on the work of the 2019 committee, our club's agreed volunteer strategy is to:
- Ensure volunteers are well supported to ensure the experience is a rewarding one,
- Identify critical roles to ensure backup is in place,
- Ensure reasonable understandable coverage under our insurance policies and compliance with legal requirements,
- Offer, when necessary, tangible thanks to volunteers, in proportion to the skills, qualifications, effort and/or reliability/commitment needed for the role, and
- Review volunteer expenditure (including vouchers and money) and associated arrangements regularly to ensure they are appropriate and represent good value to the club.

Following a recommendation by our Bridge Education group, the Club has decided to rename our "Supervised Sessions" to "Practice Play" to better reflect what goes on.
Nothing else has changed and our Practice Play session directors look forward to seeing you there!
Any questions? Talk with Anne Small 0422 185 733 regarding the Monday 6.45pm practice play session, Vickie Busteed 0411 65 204 re the Tuesday 2.15pm session and Terry Rothwell for the Friday 9.15am session.

Celebrating a special birthday for one of our members is always a lovely event. It is an important aspect of the wonderful Peninsula Bridge Club community.
If you know of someone who is turning 90 or 95 and they are happy with the idea of a public celebration then the Club is happy to organise it or support you organising it. Please alert the committee ahead of time so that it can be advertised to the appropriate sessions and ensure photos are taken for our TV slideshow and website/newsletter. (You can check if one of our volunteer photographers is available by emailing
Expenses up to $60 for a card, cake and/or flowers will be reimbursed against a claim with receipts. For other special days please be careful to check with one of the office-bearers for approval before raising any expectations.

Premises Update
I am pleased to be able to share good news regarding our future clubhouse.
Council value our club and the community benefits which it delivers. They have been in close communication with the Club throughout this year.
It is allocating a large dedicated room within the new Warriewood Valley Community Centre for the club, designed to meet our particular needs. The room will be dividable, so that lessons , practice play or small sessions can take place in conjunction with regular duplicate sessions. The whole area will be used for our larger events.

It is wonderful to feel the warmer weather as spring arrives.
In August, members were competing at Coffs Harbour Congress, Blue Mountains Congress and nationally in the Australia Wide Pairs. Congratulations to all those who achieved good results.
This month we have a Members Teams day starting at 10am on Thursday 12th. Come along and join the fun. It is an event that is open to all members. If you and your partner are keen to play, put your name up and a team will be sorted out for you.

The gods have whispered in our ear and told us that there may be too many session announcements.
So we will try to reduce these and not repeatedly remind players about upcoming events.
Instead please look at the upcoming event notices on the notice-boards - and at the club TV slideshow to see what is coming up!
- Sale of 5 PPVs to end
- President's Letter - Aug 2019
- Last call for yellow session cards
- President's Letter - Jul 2019
- Red section player movement preferences
- Helping our mobility-challenged friends
- Stocktake of session cards
- President's Letter - Jun 2019
- Emergency contact details please!
- Calling members who enjoy wine