Screen shot of emergency contact details field

Members are asked to ensure their emergency contact details have been provided and are up-to-date. 

While rarely used these details may be very important should some health or other need unexpectedly arise.

You can update your own emergency contact details by logging into Pianola and then clicking on the My Account option visible when you click on the downwards arrow to the right of your name (showing in the top right of the screen).

You will find your Emergency Contact details showing as per the image for this article. Note you can also update your email address, phone number and postal address on this same page. When you have completed your updates you need to scroll down and click on the Save button!

Websites not your thing? Talk to Greg Hay, our hardworking Membership Secretary, Susan Coleman, our hardworking Club Secretary, or me (David Farmer) if you need help. And yes I have now updated my emergency contact details (I have two contacts there now)...