From the Committee

“To supplement the Pianola Partner-Finder service which is ideal for finding a partner for an upcoming session, the club also offers a partner broking service for those looking to find an ongoing partner.
You can now contact any of the following volunteer team of three (who between them cover the club's different colour-coded sections) and they will try to help you find a partner, whether for just one game or for more. So, if you are in need of a partner and:

Dear members,
I am very pleased to announce some premises news.
As promised, Council staff met with us last week.
They informed us that the Northern Beaches Council plan to redevelop the Nelson Heather Centre by demolishing the current buildings and building a new Community Centre. While this plan is subject to formal Council budget approval, expected mid 2019, they have already appointed a project manager.

Our Club has always planned for the future, to meet the needs of both current and future members.
One important aspect is the premises, and we hope to get an update from Council before the end of the year.
Another important aspect is continual renewal of our volunteer base. Our Club depends on volunteer help by our members in order to keep operating. Some of our volunteers have helped for decades and continue to do so.
Bringing in new helpers is essential, so that fresh energy and ideas can help the club to thrive. I invite all of you to think about helping the club, especially if you are one of our newer members.

At its meeting on 24 October, the Committee discussed the problems that the club and new members, particularly those in supervised sessions, face when there is a delay in their receiving ABF numbers that are then recognised in our Bridgemate devices and scoring program. Part of the delay is caused by our current new member process where an application might have to wait for up to five weeks before it is approved with this stage happening before we seek an ABF number. In part to avoid this issue, the Committee has decided to change our new member process, probably effective 10 November, to the following:
Those who complete a membership application and pay the required fee will be termed Provisional Members. We will expeditiously seek an ABF number for them if required and include them in Pianola as Provisional Members. We will accord Provisional Members the right to play at our events and sessions at member rates in the period prior to their being subsequently approved by the Committee as Members of the Club.

After spending some time investigating our budget options for 2019, the Committee is pleased to advise that its does not currently see a need to change table and membership fees. As you know the Concession membership category was removed in January 2018.
As promised in May, we have successfully identified some additional cost savings, such as arranging for discounts on our electricity bills, waiving of bank fees, lower cost purchasing arrangements for kitchen supplies, as well as incorporating other suggestions made by members throughout the year.

The AGM took place on Saturday 29 September and was well attended by members.
The Committee was pleased to report a very successful year, made possible by the wonderful support of our team of directors, the Bridge Education Sub Committee, the Tournament Sub Committee and the many helpers who assist in the running of the club.
The past year has been a busy year for the outgoing committee, and I thank them for all their hard work. A special thanks to Terry Rothwell and John Rogers who are stepping down from the Committee. The new Committee has now been elected, and I welcome Ken Watson and Susan Eason on board.

Check the 2018 Peninsula Bridge Club Income and Expense Report. Balance Sheet and accompanying Treasurer's Report that will be considered at our Annual General Meeting on Saturday 29 September.
A number of printed copies will be available at the club for those unable to access the financial statements linked in this article.

The Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 11am on Saturday 29 September. Formal notice of the meeting will be sent to members before 8 September.
This year it will include consideration of a number of special resolutions proposing amendments to our Constitution - chiefly arising from member suggestions that were too late to be formally considered at our Special General Meeting in May. That Special General Meeting updated our Constitution in response to changes in the relevant NSW legislation and was largely, but not fully, aligned the Department of Fair Trading Model Constitution.
I hope you will be able to attend the meeting to have your say and also to be part of the running of our club.>