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At its meeting on 24 October, the Committee discussed the problems that the club and new members, particularly those in supervised sessions, face when there is a delay in their receiving ABF numbers that are then recognised in our Bridgemate devices and scoring program. Part of the delay is caused by our current new member process where an application might have to wait for up to five weeks before it is approved with this stage happening before we seek an ABF number. In part to avoid this issue, the Committee has decided to change our new member process, probably effective 10 November, to the following:

Those who complete a membership application and pay the required fee will be termed Provisional Members. We will expeditiously seek an ABF number for them if required and include them in Pianola as Provisional Members. We will accord Provisional Members the right to play at our events and sessions at member rates in the period prior to their being subsequently approved by the Committee as Members of the Club.

Application forms will continue to be displayed on the club noticeboard for seven days.

The Committee will consider these Provisional Members' membership applications and approve, decline to approve or, if further information is considered necessary, defer consideration of their approval as Members of the Club.

If the Committee declines to approve a Provisional Member's membership application then a refund of their membership payment less costs of any ABF capitation fee and/or NSWBA affiliation fee incurred will be made.

This process will also accommodate online membership applications.