From the Committee
Due to very few members purchasing 5 PPVs (pre-paid vouchers) and the administration costs of supporting it, this 5 PPV purchase option will no longer be available as at 1 September. Members can of course continue to buy PPVs in lots of 10 and also pay cash at the table if needed.
Additionally the colour of the pre-paid vouchers will be changing to red when the current stock of green cards runs out. We have been able to print the red cards ourselves, again saving the club and its members significant money.
Please contact me (Bob Whiddon) if you have any questions.

Dear all,
The Charity Day went off very happily, thanks to Sue and all the helpers who made the day run so smoothly, and raised money for two local charities - the NSW Rural Bush Fire Brigade and Mona Vale Hospice.
We also had one of our major congresses, our Swiss Pairs, which was a hugely successful day - a big thanks to Cassandra who was the convenor, Gayle, and to the whole team who made sure everyone had such a great day.

This is reminder and last call for any remaining yellow session cards that past directors and other helpers may have accumulated and are not going to use before the end of August.
That is our end of financial year and we need to know our liability on these session cards to complete our financial accounts. Read all about the stocktake and replacement of yellow session cards for new blue ones in this earlier article from our Treasurer.
NOTE - this has nothing to do with green PPVs (prepaid vouchers)!

Dear members,
Our Swiss Pairs Congress
This month, we host our annual Swiss Pairs Congress, one of our major events of the year. Players come from many other clubs to enjoy this event.
It is a full day of bridge, from 10am until late afternoon.
If you haven’t attended a Congress before, it is an exciting way to start. The great thing about Swiss Pairs is that very quickly, everyone finds their ‘level’ in the room, so you are soon playing at a table with people with similar experience.

In the third week of June Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon red section players responded to a survey about the possible movements trialled in response to the larger red sections since April. Thank you to those who responded.
The larger red sections at these sessions arose from the successful graduation of many green section players who no longer need that section's particular attributes.
Since April we have tried different movements to respond to these often larger table numbers, with these simply categorised as:

Bridge is mind sport, a challenge of mental rather than physical capacity and stamina. Consequently we have many members who have mobility challenges - whether due to accident, disease or just the passage of years.
It is one of our club's strengths that we welcome and try to assist these valuable members. We are fortunate that Meals on Wheels have agreed to give us use of eight of their weekday parking spots from noon onwards. Even with this we do not have a lot of accessible parking near the club-house. What we have, we need to look after carefully.

Dear fellow Peninsula Club member,
I am writing to you today in my capacity as Treasurer of the Club. The Club's annual accounts will be formally audited this year and our external auditor requires that we verify the values expressed in the Club's Balance Sheet (the financial statement of our assets and liabilities) as this reflects the equity that we as members have in the Club. We need to do a few things that will not impact you, such as complete a stock take of our fixed assets - computers, tables, etc. to verify that they exist and are appropriately valued, and this will be done by Committee members.

May has been another busy month with members competing in a variety of events and competitions both at the club and elsewhere in the country.
Congratulations to everyone, especially to the 12 pairs who entered the new Cath Whiddon Cup, for members with less than 15 Master Points. Well done to Margaret Wayland and Peter Sate who won the 3 week event.
Looking ahead to this month, on 24 June, the Members and Novices (under 50MP) Teams event is a lovely opportunity for newer and more experienced players to team up and play in a friendly introduction to Teams - find a four and sign up!