From the Committee

These are the six main changes, effective from 1 August 2017, that Peninsula club players should know about:
- Claiming - If a player claims he or she needs to face his or her cards at the same time as providing any information about an intended line of play. If doubt is expressed about the claim, and only if all four players agree, the hand can now be played on, otherwise the director needs to be called.
- Comparable calls – In some situations a player who makes an insufficient bid or a call out of turn may be able to make a comparable bid (that is one that contains all the information of the withdrawn call) and thus avoid restrictions that might otherwise apply to his or her partner’s bids or leads.

There are lots of good news stories in the Peninsula Bridge Club just waiting to be written up for our website and monthly newsletter.
If you have a reasonable turn of phrase, can take a photo, use email and remember your school English grammar and spelling classes - and would like to join the Communications team - then please let me know at

I suspect that most of us turn up to play bridge without giving thought to the fact that the boards which are delivered to you by the lovely director have been lovingly crafted by a group of volunteers.
It takes several hours every week to "deal" these boards and put them in their containers. Usually a team of two will take 3 to 4 hours to deal the boards for the coming week and when there are special events on that require extra boards it takes a bit longer. There is also a considerable amount of paper work which has to be done in conjunction with each board - photocopying hand records and documenting what has been done to ensure the smooth running of a bridge session.

The Committee wants to ensure that effective communication takes place with all Club members.
Email contact - This is our preferred way of communicating to each of our members. If you can use email, then please use this if possible, as it is less costly for the Club. If you use email but have not been receiving emails from the Club, we might not have your email address.
Please send it to
Postal communication - If you do not use email and require AGM information to be sent to you by post, please write you name on the form on the notice board in the club.