Photo of the President
President, Sarah Young

The Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 11am on Saturday 29 September. Formal notice of the meeting will be sent to members before 8 September.

This year it will include consideration of a number of special resolutions proposing amendments to our Constitution - chiefly arising from member suggestions that were too late to be formally considered at  our Special General Meeting in May. That Special General Meeting updated our Constitution in response to changes in the relevant NSW legislation and was largely, but not fully, aligned the Department of Fair Trading Model Constitution.

I hope you will be able to attend the meeting to have your say and also to be part of the running of our club.>

At each AGM, the current Committee members step down and a new Committee is elected.

Nominations, to be received by 22 September, will be posted on the notice board at the club.

I would like to thank Terry Rothwell and John Rogers who are both stepping down after several years of hard work and contribution to the Club as Committee members.

I will be standing for the role of President again and hope I have your support.

I would love to hear from you if you think that you might be interested in being part of the Committee. The key credentials are enthusiasm and a genuine interest in giving back to the Club, by helping it run effectively. You do not have to be a great bridge player!

The Committee is a happy group who work together for the good of the Club. If you think that it might be of interest, I’d love to hear from you!

Sarah Young