Players looking to improve their declarer play will probably find BBO's free Bridge Master applet useful. It presents you with a range of specially selected teaching hands as declarer where you will fail unless you play the hand in the best way. Fortunately you can undo and replay - and consult the applet's step-by -step help - as required.

Do note that the default level is Advanced (blue), be sure to click on Beginner or Intermediate if you are looking for hands for those levels. Also note that it assumes IMPs scoring (generally used in teams) where playing as safely as possible to make your contract is the goal - rather than taking even a reasonable risk to make an overtrick.

You can access Bridge Master directly without logging in via this link, or after logging into Bridge Base Online going to Practice | Bridge Master.

Not really recommended but if you are time poor and prefer to watch professional player, Peter Hollands, play through some of the Bridge Master hands you can do so on his You-Tube BridgeVid channel here. It does provide good insights into how an expert thinks about each hand as Peter thinks out loud. And he also has to redeal sometimes.