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This item helps you add a link to an internet site in an article or event. 

This process of adding a link to an internet site would generally take place creating or editing an article or event - this underlying authoring process is covered in two separate articles, Create/edit an article and Create/edit an event.

 To add an internet link to a content item:

  1. Select/highlight 'the words' that you want to use as the link.
  2. Click on the Insert/Edit Link icon, generally found in the middle of the bottom row of the editor icons. This will open a separate pop-up dialog box that allows you to input an internet page URL into the URL field at the top. Make sure you include the http:// at the front of the URL. (There are a large number of other options in this dialog box, but these are not be required for a simple link.)
  3. Click on the Insert button on the bottom of the dialog box. This dialog box will close automatically and the highlighted text will be shown as a link.
  4. When your content item is complete it would be worthwhile previewing it and checking that the link works as you intended. Contact the site administrator at the link below if you need further assistance.
 We hope this FAQ item has assisted you. Please let us know how you think it can be improved.