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TH asked: If you open with 1C – and you play 1C as showing minimum of two clubs – how many clubs does responder need to bid 2 clubs?

Cath W answered: Peninsula's Standard System is to open “Better Minor”, in which case 1C would promise a minimum of 3 (and a “fit” is 8 so you can do the math). Responder's priority is to bid four card suits “up the line” (but with a minimum one bid hand, responder should bypass diamonds and show a four card major).

David F added: Even though an opening 1C may only promise 2 clubs (if playing a "short club" or 3 if playing "better minor") opener will quite often have four. So on some hands responders may choose to bid 2C without the certainty of an eight card fit, if there is no other good bid.