In order to avoid missing out on bridge while in lockdown I ordered a couple of books from The Bridge Shop at Willoughby. Normally I like to flick through a book before buying it so I was thrilled that on their website you can download "Samples" of some of the books - usually the first couple of chapters.


One I'd very much recommend is Matchpoint Tricks by 2 Danish authors - Axelson and Dam - on clearance sale at just $4!

It is useful if you'd like to learn about not just making your contract in matchpoints but making overtricks to give you a better matchpoint score. No boring chapters of theory here. Each problem starts at dummy going down with the bidding supplied. There are hints if required followed by the solutions which are explained extremely well and in simple terms using a mixture of logic, psychology and statistics.

For those of you that would like to check it out, here's a link to the website.