Have you have surfaced from learning the basics of bridge? Do you go to the monthly bridge classes and some things are starting to make more sense? Are you playing a couple of times a week and you and your partner are keen to learn more?

You will enjoy dipping into Intermediate Bridge Play Problems by Tina Zines (edited by Derrick Browne). Copies are available now, for you to borrow, in your PBC Library.

Select a problem, bid and play. Then turn the page to see the solution and analysis for each of the 50 problems. South is always the declarer in these problems. Often you will be asked to put yourself in the declarer’s seat. Some of the time you will be defending.

The bidding will be pretty much the same as you have learned at Peninsula and will be explained to help reinforce your understanding of common methods.

The deals are taken mainly from Tina’s years of teaching at the NSW Bridge Association. The problems are a little more challenging than the hands you played in the beginners’ lessons. They increase in difficulty.... and that’s what you want, isn’t it? New territory to conquer... Enjoy!