Do you ever feel the frustration of bidding a hand to the correct contract and see it fail as every finesse lets you down? Then a club expert shows you how, with slightly better technique you could have succeeded.
There are three significant stages in a bridge player’s career according to Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites. In Card Play Made Easy 1 they say that the beginner knows naught about finessing and cashes winners left, right and centre!
An improving player learns about finesses. These can give great satisfaction approximately 50% of the time. The next big leap forward in a player’s thinking is the reluctance to accept a meagre 50% return! That is why an expert is always on the lookout for ways to do better and to avoid finesse if possible. This book shows you such ways.
Safety plays and endplays are regarded as advanced techniques to many players, but they really cover just a wide range of fairly simple ideas for improving your chances as declarer when fulfilling your contract is the overriding consideration. Learn strategies to make sure of your contract or how you can arrange to lose the lead to a defender who is left wishing that his partner, or the opponents, could play the next card.
Each chapter begins with some instruction followed by quiz questions and answers. At the end of the book is a longer mixed quiz with harder questions!
Klinger and Kamabites advise that those infuriating contracts which fail because the distribution seemed to be against you become far less frequent.
Look for it at the Library.