According to Kantar, a lot of the literature on the game of bridge is devoted to bidding and declarer play, with defensive play all but forgotten. So, after having made practically every error possible on defense over the years, he decided to write a book devoted exclusively to defensive play.
In Kantar’s experience, a good defensive bridge player is always a winner over time and a most desirable partner.
This weighty tome, gives a detailed examination of defensive play and how to ‘think defensively’. Topics include
- Leads vs Suit Contracts
- Leads v No Trump Contracts
- Lead directing Doubles
- Signalling; Discards
- Second Hand Play
- Third Hand Play
- Inferences
- Counting Declarer’s Distribution
- Counting, Declarer’s Points
- Counting Declarer’s Tricks
- Recognizing Dummy types
- Developing extra tricks in the Trump Suit and Card Combinations.
Full of examples to try out with answers provided using easy to read language. Also Key Plays are detailed so you can improve your strategies.