Do you lie awake sleepless at night wondering how BBO displays the results of Teams matches and in particular why a score is + or - ?   Me neither, but in case like me you are finding it not obvious to understand, read on.

As usual you can see the results in the History tab under Recent Tournaments. An easy way to see the consolidated results for your team is to click on the tournament and then click on the blue Results button which will display a popup window as below.  You can click on a result to see the hand record and even play it again.

The essential point seems to be that the raw scores at 'Our table' are from your point of view but the scores at 'Their table' are displayed from the perspective of their team, which I find odd.  So they are not consistently from the perspective either of the declaring pair or of your team. (If you have a better explanation please let me know).

To see all the scores from the point of view of your team, you have to multiply the scores at the other table by -1 to convert them to be compatible with Our table's scores.

This isn't a tutorial on Imps or Teams, but the way it works is that the Imps earned depend on the relative performances at the two tables. In a perfectly matched competition the contract and the result should be the same at each table - remember your team is playing NS at one table and EW at the other - with a difference between the scores of 0. See Board 8 as an example.   In reality, the contracts and/or the results will often be different resulting in different scores. Your opponents at the other table may do better or worse than you in the same seat and playing the same board.

To work out the Imps score for a board, you add your score and your team mates' converted score together to get the net score. (Alternatively you could subtract the unconverted Their table score from the Our table score).  If this is +ve, your team did better overall on that board. Then you look up the net score to find the corresponding Imps.

In the example here, our team is NS at Our Table and EW at Their table so we have to multiply the Their table scores by -1 to convert them to our 'orientation'. Then they can be added together.

Board 1 -110 + -1 *-570  = -110 + 570  =  460       (430 - 490 10 Imps for us) We got -110 but our team mates got +570
Board 2  130 + -1 * 630 =  130 - 630 = -500   (500 - 590 11 Imps for them) We got +130 but our opponents got +630
Board 4 -110 + -1 * 200 = -110 - 200 =  -310    (270 - 310  7 Imps for them) We got -110 and our team mates got -200
Board 8  480 + -1 * 480 =  480 - 480 =    0 (0   -  10  0 Imps) Same result at both tables


The final result is the net of the Imps scores - in this case +34 Imps for our team (63 - 29).


This table shows the Imps for each range of point differences. (You will see that the point range gets bigger as the Imps increase).

Net score Imps
20-40 1
50-80 2
90-120 3
130-160 4
170-210 5
220-260 6
270-310 7
320-360 8
370-420 9
430-490 10
500-590 11
600-740 12
750-890 13
900-1090 14
1100-1290 15
1300-1490 16
1500-1740 17
1750-1990 18
2000-2240 19
2250-2490 20
2500-2990 21
3000-3490 22
3500-3990 23
4000+ 24