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Congratulations to Chris and Noreen Moore for winning our local final - and coming second in the state - in the 2018 NSWBA Under 100MP Championship in the 25-50MP division.
Congratulations to the other Peninsula local final winners in their categories: Maggie Gibbs and Paddy Purves (50-100MP), and Pam Crofts and Robin Hall (10-25MP).
Check the full results and growing collection of photos of the winners in the various categories. This event will be run again at Peninsula in 2019 on Friday 29 Nov.

Congratulations to Derek Tyms and Ado Hardy for winning the three week 2019 Club Pairs Championship held in February.
Derek and Ado had a great last round score of 67% to edge ahead of the previous leaders Alan Davies and Vivien Eldridge.
Derek and Ado are international members, and have since returned to Thailand and are likely to be back in another five or six months.

Most members will be aware that the red section on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons has often been "full" 40 minutes before session start. In some ways related the green sections on Wednesday and Fridays have also been "full" as those green members ready to move out have seen limited alternatives available to them. This in turn has made the green section less attuned to its primary purpose of meeting the needs of those new players graduating from beginner classes and supervised sessions.

The World Bridge Federation says the world's number one bridge player has been suspended after failing a drug test.
Geir Helgemo, who is Norwegian but represents Monaco in bridge events, tested positive for banned substances at a World Bridge Series event in Orlando, Florida, last September.
After accepting he had breached anti-doping rules, Helgemo was suspended by the WBF until November 20. He also had all titles, medals and points from the 2018 World Bridge Series revoked.

We are a volunteer-run not-for-profit club. Some volunteer needs we currently have are:
- Event Support - helping our event conveners prepare fliers and other communications - some comfort with email, computers and word processors would be useful - talk to David Farmer in the first instance
- Fill-in Players - being happy to be called to see if you are available to come in for a free game with an unpartnered player - helps us avoid sending home players whose partner is unexpectedly unavailable - ask any director to add you to the noticeboard list

Thirty or more Peninsula members travelled to the Gold Coast in February for the premier bridge event in the country. Great bridge and a great location for a social bridge getaway.
For those who have not been to one of these major congresses, you need to understand that there is a wide range of events from the tough open competitions to those restricted to much lower masterpoint ranges - something for everyone and a number of our novice players will have great stories to share.
I have tried to list our club members' successes over the various events - if I have missed one please let me know so I can add it in for the record.

Dear all,
What a start to the year - so good to see a fabulous attendance by Peninsula members at both the Canberra and Gold Coast congresses with lots of success at the table plus wonderful social and fun times. Congratulations to all our novices who braved the competitive space for the first time and for doing so well.
I would like to thank Alan Davies for being a wonderful Chief Director for the last two and a half years. Alan took on this role in 2017 and kindly continued until January 2019. He has done a wonderful job, keeping all the directors informed of any changes to rules, advising and guiding our directors and helping to mentor our newer directors.

Update - on Friday 12 Apr 2019 we had a new record 34.5 tables in play - see the photo. It would have been 35 tables but we had to send one of our five unpartnered players home when no fill-in player could be found.
Without any fanfare or expectation, the club broke its record number of tables in play for a standard session on Friday 1 February 2019 with 34 tables. This broke the previous record of 33.5 on a Wednesday in March 2018 and 33 on a Friday in February 2018.