To serve or supply alcohol in NSW typically requires a liquor licence.
Our club is a not for profit organisation and an exemption has been granted to allow us to supply/serve alcohol for up to six functions in a year without paying a license fee.
This means that the club can continue to offer alcohol as a contribution to the enjoyment of our key social events such as Melbourne Cup, the Christmas Party and our large congresses. We will still have the same number of bridge events throughout the year but will serve an alternative to alcohol at some of the smaller ones.
The committee is keen for members to enjoy their bridge as well as the club to continue operating as a good community citizen.
The granted exemption requires the Club to ensure that for each event where it serves alcohol, it:
- Serves food which requires preparation,
- Does not serve alcohol to anyone who is intoxicated, and
- Everyone who serves alcohol has a current Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate.
And that the club:
- Displays the ‘minor’ signs, and
- Gives 14 days notice to Liquor and Gaming NSW, local council and local police.
Failure to comply with these requirements can result in significant penalties of up to $11,000.
Even for BYO, the provider and server of alcohol must understand their legal responsibilities and agree to meet any club requirements.
If you have any concerns or feedback about this change, please speak to one of the Committee members.