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This is a busy time of the year for Peninsula Bridge Club (PBC) Membership renewals.
Many of our PBC Members have already renewed however there are some who have not yet paid their 2019 Annual Membership Fees.
You are invited to promptly renew your membership or maybe you know someone who needs a "gentle nudge" to renew.
Once in a while you will go down
But it's all in the game.
Partner will give you a frown
And do exactly the same.
You both raise a big smile
When you win by a mile
And realise it's all in the game.
Anonymous - but adapted from the original lyrics by Carl Rigman
It might be time to refresh our website. How could we make it better?
If you have views on this - and please do - then
You might like to be involved going forward - contributing ideas and stories for the website and its twin sister the monthly newsletter. We have roles where you can contribute - whether as a writer or someone comfortable with computers or image editing.
David Farmer
We hope you have an enjoyable Christmas break with family and friends.
For those that will miss - or are already missing - their regular bridge sessions we want to remind you of our sessions over the Christmas - New Year week:
How many will play on Christmas Eve?
Dear all,
In December, we had a very successful and fun Xmas party. A big thanks as always to the team of helpers who made it all possible.
As the year draws to a close, I wish you and your families a happy Xmas and a peaceful New Year.
Happy bridging!
The Committee has received indications of concern from some of our green section members who see difficulties progressing to more advanced playing at the club - in particular to other sections as they see the red section being generally "full".
We are aware that there are a range of issues involved affecting different members and intend to brainstorm possible improvements with the help of representatives from our sub committees and others who would represent these different aspects.
If you have any thoughts you would like to share, please send them to the President, Sarah Young, on
The Committee at its December meeting considered and agreed to a request to ensure that those who had mobility issues were, whenever possible, given seats where they did not need to move during the movement. This was partly seen as an occupational health and safety concern.
The process to support this will be discussed by the directors and implemented in the near future. It will probably involve:
- A list of people who need this status being developed and maintained with any hard demarcation decisions being determined by the Committee, and
- All players accepting that they might be asked to move to make way for a player with such needs.
Around October 2018 Sandy Carter and I decided to move from the green to the red section to improve our bridge.
Initially this was quite daunting as many players have been in the red section for quite some time. We arrived early but still seemed to have to start a new table in the next row as everyone had “their” spot.
However, it turned out it really didn’t matter what time we got there as we always were able to find a table and play in the red section - so it was an unfounded fear.