Photo of the President
President Sarah Young

Over the last few months, the Committee has been evaluating the implication of the Club becoming a GST entity from September 2017. It is now able to report back to all members and present the key information. The Committee has identified the actions we believe are required in order to maintain sound financial and operational management. I encourage you to attend the Information Session that will be held at 11am Saturday 3rd June. The Committee wishes members to be fully informed of the reasons for the proposed changes. All the details are available on the website and on the noticeboard at the Club.

It is always a sad time when one of our community passes away. We are very sorry to lose Rowan Sault, who has been a member at Peninsula for many years and will be greatly missed.

Also on the health front we have to report that Sue Riley has unfortunately been back in hospital and we wish her a speedy recovery. On a positive note, Bob Whiddon, our hard working Treasurer, is back home from a brief hospital visit - welcome home Bob!

As a Club, it is always a pleasure to celebrate happy and significant events such as turning 80 or 90 or 100! If you have a friend who has a significant birthday, please let the Committee know so that we can congratulate them over an afternoon tea. We do not have birth date rerecords so it something that can get missed otherwise.

May has been another busy month. It was wonderful to see such a big turnout on Bridge For Brains Day, helping to contribute to research in the important area of brain disease. I am pleased to report that $1,609.35 was raised.

June marks the start of a new competition “The Lawrence”, which commemorates the huge contribution by Verl and John Lawrence to the Club over many years. It will start on 27th June (fourth Tuesday night) and there will be a $200 cash prize to the winning pair. Come along and have a go!

We are pleased to announce that Alan Davies has been appointed as the new Chief Director. Alan brings a great deal of experience to the position and we thank him on behalf of the Club.

Nelson Heather Premises update: The Northern Beaches Council has issued a Draft Budget which itemises the capital expenditure of the Section 94 funding ($7m), but not of any additional funding. This suggests that they plan to build a small Community Centre and have no plans on the table for replacing the Nelson Heather Centre. The Building Sub Committee and I are meeting with the Council to discuss how and when to lobby new councillors to promote the needs of PBC.

Happy bridging!

Sarah Young