Image about communications

Looking for a way to help the bridge club communicate better? The Communications Team has some vacancies right now - maybe one of these would suit you:

  1. Club Noticeboard Coordinator - Overall coordination of the club's noticeboards to make them as efficient a communication channel as possible - needs someone with a good visual layout sense, good organisation and interpersonal skills, and comfort with using emails and displaying and printing PDFs (including in colour).
  2. Club Template Coordinator - Overall coordination of the club's stationery templates including bringing them up to date with the club's design guide - needs someone with a good visual layout sense, good Word and Excel skills, good organisation and interpersonal skills, and comfort with using emails.
  3. Graphic Artist - Contribute to the design of ads, signs and banners as required - needs someone with graphic layout flair/experience, access to any necessary software, and comfort using emails.
  4. Website Team Member - Edit and add material to the website as needed as part of a team - needs someone with comfort using computers and editing photos, with good organisation and interpersonal skills, with comfort using emails, and ideally the ability to respond to time critical needs - training/support provided.

To discuss any of these possibilities contact me, David Farmer, on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0415 715 743.