Looking for a way to help the bridge club communicate better? The Communications Team has some vacancies right now - maybe one of these would suit you:
- Club Noticeboard Coordinator - Overall coordination of the club's noticeboards to make them as efficient a communication channel as possible - needs someone with a good visual layout sense, good organisation and interpersonal skills, and comfort with using emails and displaying and printing PDFs (including in colour).
- Club Template Coordinator - Overall coordination of the club's stationery templates including bringing them up to date with the club's design guide - needs someone with a good visual layout sense, good Word and Excel skills, good organisation and interpersonal skills, and comfort with using emails.
- Graphic Artist - Contribute to the design of ads, signs and banners as required - needs someone with graphic layout flair/experience, access to any necessary software, and comfort using emails.
- Website Team Member - Edit and add material to the website as needed as part of a team - needs someone with comfort using computers and editing photos, with good organisation and interpersonal skills, with comfort using emails, and ideally the ability to respond to time critical needs - training/support provided.
To discuss any of these possibilities contact me, David Farmer, on