Club members will have heard of the grant money we received as part of the federal Stronger Communities Program. We received $7,500 plus GST to be used to fund 50% of $15,000 in eligible spending on bridge equipment to improve the club. We are pleased to note (as we are required to do) that “This project received grant funding from the Australian Government.”
We would also like to note the huge voluntary time commitments that planning and implementing these purchases involved from the Committee and others, and particularly from Bill Fitzsimons, Ken Watson and David Farmer.
We have used this grant money as follows:
- $3,700 on a new laptop computer and large external monitor (to allow the two ends of the club-house to be used independently and as a back-up for each other
- $5,900 on 20 new chairs and 40 new side-tables
- $3,300 on new cards and boards
- $1,000 on a new printer/copier to replace the copier that had completed its service contract
- $1,200 on 6 new Bridgemate devices