Raffle winners

We had a very successful day on 2nd February with 104 attending at our Bushfire Victims Appeal event raising $2100 in table money. Most of these were our members with a sprinkling of visitors from other clubs. Many members who could not attend contributed generously to the raffle which raised an additional $2048. Red Masterpoints from ABF were free of charge.  All funds will go to the Red Cross.

Most of the prizes were donated by local businesses. The first prize of a dinner/lunch for 2 at Bert’s, Newport Hotel with wines was won by Bryanna Whitaker. Sue Wilcox and Nolene Stewart won 2nd prize,  $50.00 vouchers from Officeworks. Terry Herfort picked up the $30 voucher from Flower Power and Chris Moore will be enjoying the Magnum of Oakley Cabernet/Merlot donated by Porters Wines.  Terry Herfort made 5 people happy with 5 vouchers for 2 ice creams. Trish Berry also donated a prize.  Joan Butts provided 1 month free membership to the Joan Butts online school of bridge for 10 people as well.

Although competition was keen in each of the three groups, there was an air of lightness and goodwill permeating the room.  You can see some photos here.

As you would appreciate this event had a team behind it : Sylvia and Detlef Volmer, Linda Westphail, Lynne Talmont, Anne Moulson, Trish Whicker (who saved the day with the kettle from home), Trish Berry, Cath Whiddon, Jen Ardill, Simon Hunter, David Farmer, Helen Griplas and Susan Coleman. Also all the members who contributed to the delightful afternoon tea. A big thanks to all our volunteers who pitch in to make these events a success.  

Winners in each section:

  • Blue       - Robin Ho & Alexander Cook and Ray Hurst & Hans van Weeren
  • Magenta - Anne Ludriks & Gerard de Jong and Beverley Schultz & Barbara Elwin
  • Green    - Wilma Laurich & Andrew Laurich and Terry Herfort & Anne Moulston