Ray, Heidi, Annegrete and Nerida

Some info on successes in the Gold Coast Congress:

Nerida Gillies, Annegrete Kolding, Heidi Colenbrander and Ray Hurst winning the Restricted Teams

Heidi Colenbrander and Ray Hurst in the Bobby Richmond Pairs

Sue Falkingham in the same event (Sue is still a member though she now lives in Tasmania)

John and Margaret Rogers coming second in the Intermediate Teams

Vivien Eldridge and Alan Davies coming 8th in the open Ivy Dahler Butler Swiss Pairs

Col Dempster and Max Paterson coming 7th in the Intermediate Ivy Dahler Butler Swiss Pairs

Sue Falkingham coming 5th in the Restricted Ivy Dahler Butler Swiss Pairs


Thanks to David Farmer for providing this and congratulations to all.

The results are all listed at  https://www.qldbridge.com.au/gcc/results2020.php.

Any other successes please let me know.