Following ABF negotiations with BBO, we are now able to host our own online bridge sessions for Peninsula members and their friends. Hosting these events will allow us to avoid the recent trial game incidents of members being blocked and strangers joining our games.
Our club hosted tournaments will also earn masterpoints, even if only 12 boards long.
To make this happen and to sustain the club there will be a table money cost payable on BBO, with this shared between BBO and Peninsula. BBO allows you to establish a credit balance of BB$ and use this for tournaments like ours. For a standard 18 board match the table money would be BB$2.50 (or slightly less than $4), cheaper than most club tournaments on BBO.
Together with our last three free trial events we have:
- 9.30am Thu 30 Apr <100MP - Free trial game using shared host, no masterpoints
- 9.30am Fri 1 May Open - Free trial game using shared host, no masterpoints
- 1.15pm Sat 2 May <100MP - Club hosted game, with masterpoints, BB$2.50
- 1.30pm Sat 2 May Open - Club hosted game, with masterpoints, BB$2.50
- 1.30pm Sun 3 May Open Swiss Pairs - Final free trial game using shared host, no masterpoints
- 1.30pm Mon 4 May Open - Club hosted game, with masterpoints, BB$2.50
- 2pm Tue 5 May Practice Play (<15MP. Basic system) - Club hosted game, with masterpoints, BB$2.50
- 1.15pm Wed 6 May <100MP - Club hosted game, with masterpoints, BB$2.50
- 1.30pm Wed 6 May Open - Club hosted game, with masterpoints, BB$2.50
- 1.15pm Fri 8 May <100MP - Club hosted game, with masterpoints, BB$2.50
- 1.30pm Fri 8 May Open - Club hosted game, with masterpoints, BB$2.50
More regular sessions will be added when there is demand and sufficient trained directors.
What preparation do you need for our Club hosted games?
- Ensure you have credit in your BBO BB$ account - login to BBO and click on BB$ - Note this is best done via your computer, or via a browser on your tablet or smartphone - because buying BB$ via you BBO app on your tablet or smartphone may cost a lot more - see our article for more information about BB$
- To earn masterpoints register your BBO name with the ABF - Click to register you BBO username with the ABF - if you are already on the ABF email list or use the SMS results service you will be guided how to update your information to include your BBO username
Registering for our club tournaments:
- Check that your and your partners's BBO username are already registered and you are both eligible for the event (Practice Play is below Local ABF rank, and <100MP is below ABF Regional* rank) in our (view only) PBC Usernames list - and, if not or if it needs updating, register your online usernames using this form (BBO will not let you register for the event if your username is not among the eligible list and this will normally be applied on the night before the session)
- In the hour before the tournament starts, when you and your partner are both online on BBO, one of you needs to register you both as a pair for the correct "PenBC" tournament - check this 1min how-to video guide (but search in the available tournaments for "PenBC") - we expect to have plenty of places so registering 15-20 min before the start time should be fine - if you do have a registration issue BBO private chat to austega and ozbloke with the details
- Ensure you and your partner are both logged onto BBO at least five minutes before the tournament starts - when it starts you will be whisked to your table with your partner, opponents, and boards ready to play! (If one of you is not logged in at this time, you will unfortunately both be ignored... - should this happen use BBO private chat to talk as soon as possible to the director in case they can use you to fill a half table
Happy to fill-in or substitute?
- We will look for fill-in substitutes if we start with a half-table or one or ouf players drops out due to a poor connection
- Subsitutes play free
- Interested - see this article - and if you are happy to substitute for the Practice Play session (playing the Basic system for the enjoyment of the play with no teaching at the table) let me know
Invite your friends (including non-members but remember they need to register their username with us) and enjoy our great game! Feedback very welcome.