The long awaited Online Teams Congress will be held by the New South Wales Bridge Association this Sunday 25th October 2020! Even more exciting, they are going to host this Teams event on a brand new online platform REALBRIDGE – an online platform on which you can see (yes see!) and talk to your partner, teammates and opponents at the bridge table. This is really the next best thing you can have to a face to face congress.
The Congress will start at 10.00am on Sunday 25th October, 2020 on RealBridge:
- Swiss Teams format, 6 x 8-board matches, with results converted to VPs. Yellow systems not permitted.
- RealBridge is a 21st Century program and is designed for up-to-date computers; it will still work on old PC’s, but not old Mac products nor old iPads. It will work even if you do not have a microphone or camera, but you lose some of the best aspects of the experience. Before you play your first RealBridge session, please do the system and program checks at RealBridge Setup, especially the updating of your browser.
- The Director will be Matthew McManus
- Players must be a home club member of an NSW or ACT affiliated club
- FREE entry for this very first Teams Congress
A hyperlink to the specific event with instruction will be emailed to all entrants at about 9.00am on the day
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Wing on