The SALT5 teams competition has one more week to run but our valiant convener Robin Devries is working on the next round including fine tuning his handicapping system which enables teams of all standards to compete on a more equal basis.

The SALT6 teams competition will start on Monday February 22nd and run over 6 weeks to March 29th.   Games are played in the evening on BBO by teams of 4 people.  Matches 2 x 10 board games.  Masterpoints Green. Cost $25 per player.

If you haven't tried it, Teams is different and fun and playable at all levels of ability and experience. Each pair plays 10 games against each of the pairs in the opposing team.  It is interesting for the two pairs to compare how they fared playing the same board but in the two different positions. Maybe have a Zoom meeting afterwards?  As always we run a matchmaking service if you don’t have a full team.  So why not have a go this time?   Contact Robin Devries for more information on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..