We held a very successful Charity Day on Wednesday 19th May with an attendance of 68 members. The day was both enjoyable for members attending and raised $2086. Together with money held in the charity account from before, the club will be donating $3500 to the Northern Beaches Rural Fire Brigade.
A big thank you to Rob Scott for his entertaining leadership on the day. Rob selflessly decided not to play so he could ensure the day ran smoothly. [Also to Trish Berry who together with Rob organised the event - Ed]
Our major prize winners were as follows :
● Lucky door prize Ruth Buchanan
● Plant Camilla Barlow
● Boat trip Cath Whiddon
● Cheesecake Len Evershed
● Wine hamper Louise Butt
● Wine hamper Pat Williams
● Mixed Peter Chemello
Thankyou very much to everyone who contributed donations for the raffle prizes. Raffle ticket sales raised $1578.
PBC members are always so generous also in giving their time. Without their generosity there would be no fund raising - thank you lovely people. Max Paterson, Helen Griplas, Bronwyn Neal, Lynne Talmont, Di Agostino, Eva Pendel, Bruce Kleem and Simon Hunter were of great assistance on the day. Christine Banham was trivia master, her questions really added to the enjoyment on the day. Terry Rothwell kindly directed the event. Lois as usual offered her assistance where ever needed.
A special mention has to made about the contribution Robyn Hoey makes towards our fund raising. Robyn nurtures and provides all the plants at the Club which are sold for Charity.
Sue Riley what an amazing contribution you have made to ensure this annual Charity Day has become a PBC tradition.
I am sure the Club will continue to hold this event and raise much needed money for Charity.