During the regular Wednesday afternoon session, from 15th July onwards, a separate section will be set up for Novice players with less than 10 Masterpoints. The Director for this section will be a member of the Bridge Education team.You can come without a partner and either be paired up with another person who has come alone or else play with the Director. You should be seated by 12:15, but it would be advisable to arrive by 12 if you have come without a partner.This could be an excellent opportunity to start playing in a regular Duplicate session with and against players of a similar standard and may also be a way of finding a compatible Bridge partner for the future.

 The winners of the State Open Teams Qualifier were the novelty team consisting of Ron Smith, Vivien Eldridge, Ray Bragge and Alan Davies. Second were the Duggin Team with Anne Small, Cath Whiddon, Jocelyn Bertram and Chris Duggin. Well done to all!

We had a successful Swiss Pairs event today which was run with exceptional competence by Nick Hughes. The overall winners were Jo Jarvis and Maureen Cooksley who overtook Sandy Mower and Bob Saville who had been in the lead all day.

Attend the Wednesday Evening Walk-In game and you will be in the draw for a fabulous prize – a $400 stingless native bee hive. These bees are acclimatised to Sydney conditions and come with a one year guarantee.  Sessions start at 7.30 and there are scones with jam and cream for those with a sweet tooth.  A walk in session means you don’t need a partner, the non playing Director will ensure that everyone, partner or not, gets a game.  Don’t bee shy, bee part of the Wednesday evening fun.

Tell your friends about the Beginners Bridge Lessons starting on 17th July. See the Bridge Education  tab for details.

The Interclub Pairs Competition was held at North Shore on Sunday 21 June and a good day was had by all. Trumps won the competition with the hosts North Shore Bridge Club in second place followed by Manly Leagues, Peninsula and the All-Stars. Lori Neville and Jeanette Weaver (playing for Manly Leagues) won the D section of the Restricted. Hopefully we can persuade them to play for us next year!.