When the Wednesday Evening Walk-In sessions started on 27th May, Peter Clarke undertook to run with them for 3 months and now he has decided it's time to retire from his roles of Directing and organising these sessions. We applaud his conscientious determination to make the sessions successful and enjoyable for all concerned. Never short of ideas and with boundless energy, he was dedicated to the task throughout.
With the advantage of the groundwork laid by Peter, some of our other Directors are keen to take up the challenge of continuing to build on what has been established, starting from next Wednesday, 23rd September. Directors will be rostered to run the sessions according to their availability and/or special interests, e.g. the 14th October Club Qualifying Event for the State Under 100 Masterpoints Championship.
As you will be aware, no partner is required for these sessions and of course all regular Wednesday evening players, as well as any others, are more than welcome. We look forward to a continued and growing attendance at these sessions.