There is a lot happening in March so get organised ....

  • The daytime GNOT qualifier runs for three Saturdays in March. Find a team and enter on the list at the club. This gold point event will be directed by Ronnie Ng.
  • Find yourself a partner for the Sloman cup which runs for 10 months on the first Thursday of each month.
  • The State Open Pairs Qualifier is run over three Thursdays in March.
  • The Rosemary's Row comp (under 150mp) runs for 9 months on the second Monday of each month. So organise a regular partner for this event.
  • The Under 50 mp comp runs for 9 months on the first Friday of each month. The player with best average % gets the prize. This is an individual event.
  • The Under 15 mp comp runs for 9 months on the first Wednesday of each month. The player with best average % gets the prize. This is an individual event.

 Good luck to all those selected to play in the Margaret Smale Inter-Club Teams competition on Valentine's day. Peninsula is hosting this event. Hopefully this time we can win and get the trophy!

And good luck to all those heading for the Gold Coast especially those who are going for the first time.