PBC is celebrating it's 50th anniversary this year and would like to invite all members for a FREE session of bridge and a spectacular lunch. All members are welcome to attend this fun filled day on Saturday 3rd September. We will be starting the day at 10am sharp with a session of bridge and then lunch at 1pm.
There will be speeches and memories made from some of the oldest members of our club. There will also be a speech from Peter Clarke on the history of the club. Rachael will be putting together a slide show of photos on this day, so if you have any photos that you would like to lend to her, please pass them onto her or Vivien, or place them in the President's drawer. Don't forget to write your name on the back of the photos so that we can return them to you. There will be a list going up on the board shortly so please put your name on this list so that we can organise the catering. If you would like to come for the lunch only, and not play bridge, please state this on the form. For any questions in regard to the day, please ring Sarah Young on 9997 3609.