Image for Aust wide novice pairs

Sue Evershed and John Simmonds did very well in the 2017 Australia-Wide Novice Pairs, coming 11th Australia-wide with a score of 67.0. Interestingly when scored over just the Peninsula entrants they were pipped by Grahame Elith and Keith Trevallion, but scoring nationally turned the tables strongly in Sue and John's favour. Nationally Maggie Gibbs and Susan Jensen came 32nd, ahead of  Judith Croxall and Robert Gaven who came 55th.

Read the full letter below from the event's national organiser. Brad Coles, and prize winners should note what they need to do to claim their prizes.

"Thank you again for taking part in our Australia-Wide Novice Pairs! The final results are now on the Australian Bridge web site.

To see a summary of results for all players from your club, you can click here, and you may like to paste the contents of that page into an email and send it to your players. From within that summary, they can click on individual players' names to view their personal results booklet (also available on the web site after selecting club and name from the drop down boxes).

All prize winners are listed in the results booklet, and I've attached a copy of the Top 100 page from that booklet which you may like to post on your noticeboard. Winners will need to contact us to provide their address and claim their prize. If you have any pairs in the top five, or regional winners, the prize pens will be forwarded to you next week to be presented to the players.

Thanks again for all your help, and we hope to see you again in a few months for our Australia-Wide Open Pairs, 25-31 August.

Kind regards,
Brad Coles
Organiser, Australia-Wide Pairs

PS. We also have a special new web site for these events, This new page will eventually combine all Australia-Wide material in one place, including the results booklet, FAQ page, information about prizes and discount offers for participants."