Photo of Robin Ho
Robin Ho

We are pleased to announce that Robin commenced her new role on 1 August 2017.

Robin will report to the Treasurer, Bob Whiddon, in relation to financial tasks and to the President, Sarah Young, in relation to other aspects of the role. Initially, the emphasis will be financial, to be fully prepared for the 1 September transition to GST status.

Robin Ho has been working in the accounting field since she graduated from Sydney University with a Bachelor of Economics degree, majoring in Accounting.

She started off working in an importing company for a few years then stopped to raise a family.  When her children started school, she returned to work as the office administrator and accounts person for Prime Care Pty Ltd, a medical record coding company, where she worked part time from 1998 to 2014. Robin also worked for Trumps Bridge Club as their bookkeeper for a number of years till 2015.  From 2003 till present she has worked casually as a bookkeeper for a building certification and building regulations consultancy practice.

Robin is a keen bridge player.  She is a member of the Peninsula Bridge Club but her home club is Trumps. She has played at Peninsula Bridge Club and North Shore Bridge Club on a number of occasions, as well as competing for the last six or so years in the Summer Festival of Bridge held in Canberra and at the Gold Coast Congress held in Broadbeach Queensland. In fact, when she broke her ankle in mid-December 2015, she still went to Canberra in mid-January 2016 and played there for nine days.