The guru

So you have a burning question or suggestion about the way the club works and players interact? Why do we turn over the contract after the opening lead? Why don't we turn it over until the opening lead? Why don't we all wear name tags. Are players allowed to stop the play and claim the rest of the tricks?

Ask the club guru! Simply send you suggestion or question to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - or drop a note to the guru and place it in the Suggestion Box to be found soon outside the office.

The questions and answers will be published on this site as an ongoing resource of frequently asked questions. Some may also lead to other responses such as a director pre-session chat, an informative article or even a suggestion to the Committee regarding a change of operating procedure or playing rule.

Who is behind the guru I hear you ask? We're a small Politesse working group with the aim of answering all those questions that arise at the table (we have more than thirty before we started), some of which might be based on misunderstandings, and some are great questions or ideas that the club wants to hear and respond to. Our goal is to improve the enjoyment of bridge at the table while responding to the challenges of a growing club with a diverse range of members.

Who is on the working group I hear you ask? Currently we have Verl Lawrence (a very established player), Di Hunter (a novice player), Anne Small (representing the Director group), Sandie Rooke (representing the Bridge Education group) and me, David Farmer. Will we always be right? Of course. (Or you can ask a followup question if you think we might have slipped...)

And what about a question about a bridge hand or bid? We have a different guru for that - ask your bridge questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The bridge questions and answers will also be published either under the Education menu for novice questions or under the Members menu for other questions.