A number of Peninsula players featured in the Australian Bridge Federation 2017 McCutcheon tables. These show the players who accumulated the most masterpoints in their masterpoint category over the year.
Major highlights were Peter Clarke being runner-up in the National category accumulating 106.12MP over 2017 and Hans van Weeren winning the State with one star category with a massive 149.30MP. Congratulations to Hans and Peter.
Also evident based on a quick scan of the full results were:
- Chris Duggin coming 8th in the National with two stars category and 53.81MP over the year
- Colin Dempster coming 10th in the State with one star category with 76.30MP
- Ray Hurst and Marieta Borthwick coming 6th and 8th in the Local with two stars category with 51.85 and 50.96MPs respectively, and
- Annegrete Kolding coming 3rd in the Club category with 38.64MP.