Peninsula on Sunday 15 July successfully defended its narrow win last year in the 2018 Sydney North Interclub Pairs Challenge. We entered a full contingent in this great day played at our club - brilliantly convened by Cassandra Mitchell and supported by the generous culinary offerings of our members.
You can see the photos of the day mainly taken by Heidi Colenbrander.
The event's 58 pairs were divided by average masterpoints into three playing fields of ten, nine and ten tables. And each of these fields was divided further into two categories for the purpose of awarding points towards the pair's club.
The results of the morning and afternoon sessions were added to generate each pair's final result and placing within their category. Those in the top half of their category earned points for their club, five points for winning, 4 for second place, 3 for third, 2 for fourth and 1 for fifth place. So half the players contributed to their club's score.
Fourth place was taken by Manly Warringah, with third place taken by North Shore on 22, one point behind Trumps in second place with 23, with Peninsula winning convincingly ten points ahead on 33. Peninsula did especially well in the intermediate (blue) field with Clare Filmer-Ramsay and Cassandra MItchell winning the field ahead of Peter Clarke and Jim Rothwell and in the Novice (green) field with second (Susan Jensen and Maggie Gibbs), fourth and fifth places.
Looking at the six categories Peninsula won the majority of the available points in the 3rd, 5th and 6th categories, with North Shore dominating the 1st category and Trumps the 2nd. The 4th category was more even but won by Manly Warringah. The category MP levels were approximately: Category 1 was 850+, 2 510-850, 3 230-510, 4 105-230, 5 52-105 and 6 0-52.
You can check all the board results and the scores for the three playing fields.