Photo of members enjoying the meal
Members enjoying the meal

PBC’s annual Charity Day convened by Sue Riley was again a great success with 31 pairs playing in the competition proficiently run by Terry Rothwell.

However, the main event of the day was the lunch provided by Sue Riley, who had spent days on preparation of delicious Moroccan lentil soup, ham and pea soup and pumpkin soup followed by a plentiful cake and cheese spread for dessert, where the exquisite profiteroles warrant a particular mention.

A big thank you to Sue for the enormous efforts putting this event together. And thanks to all the volunteers, who brought in chips, nibbles, dishes and cakes, and to all the people who help out during the day in the kitchen or with the raffles. Most of all thank you to the participants, who happily spent lots on raffle tickets.

The proceeds from the day goes to the Rural Fire Brigade of NSW and Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary. Stuart from the Rural Fire Brigade, representing both charities, attended the event at lunch time and thanked PBC for our ongoing and valuable support for both causes.

Check the photos taken by Annegrete Kolding.