The Tuesday night session brainstormed a number of ideas to generate more interest from other players in the session. After discussion, and restricted to where someone was prepared to do any coordinating work, the session decided (with the Committee's concurrence) to trial the following six initiatives. Hopefully one or more of these interest you - you would be very welcome to the session!
Offering transport to/from session - Offering transport to/from Tuesday (and other) night sessions for those not comfortable driving at night - see separate article.
Turning off the Bridgemate results display - Trial for a month (Tue night session only) to see if it has a good effect on timing and friendliness at the table.
A Modified Harlequin Teams event - Reusing the successful existing Harlequin teams model modified by inviting non Tuesday night pairs to the teams night, teaming up most experienced with least experienced pairs and having the most experienced pairs playing against the other experienced pairs and less experienced pairs playing the less experienced pairs - keep your eyes open for the flier/registration form.
Handicap results - Trial preparing and announcing Pianola-calculated handicap results for each week to make it more interesting for less experienced pairs.
Themed board nights - Trialing nights with preset boards on a theme such as mainly slam range hands and promote among members and other clubs, recognising that no masterpoints would be awarded.
Social “competitive” pre-session focus - Trial replacing pre-session interesting hands powerpoint presentation with a hand printed out for those interested to analyse/discuss as part of a free-format social pre-session time. See an example from 23 Oct.