Forty-eight Peninsula players travelled across the seas on Sunday 4 November to defend our 2017 win in the Peninsula vs Peninsula Head-to-Head teams challenge against Brisbane Water Bridge Club.
Our valiant members were divided by our leader, Vivien Eldridge, into three groups - Novice, Restricted and Open - to battle against similar categories from the host club. Check the photos (thanks Heidi)!
And the results of this momentous battle? We won the Novice and Restricted categories and although we lost the Open category we can claim victory overall. It was particularly satisfying that we did well in the Novice category given our focus on bridge education over the past eight years.
You can check the Novice and Restricted results. A gremlin in Bridgemate communications prevents the same display for the Open category - what a pity we cannot see our losing category.
Brisbane Waters were a great host - not only did they provide transport to and from Patronga wharf, they also provided us with superb food and playing environment. They also provided a perpetual trophy - which suggests we might need to do battle again!