What a day! We had 126 players attend our fabulous event.
Di Agostino did a splendid job with the catering. We have so many people who help at our big events including trestle set up, decorations, directing, organising and preparing food, serving drinks, photographing, cleaning, sweeps etc etc – you get the idea. It is a huge team effort – done with a smile and possibly a fascinator! And of course, the spectacular morning tea contributions by the players on the day.
Len Evershed sent in his great photos of the event - you can check all of his 2018 Melbourne Cup Lunch photos.
We also had two paid helpers who assisted. We would like a list of available people to call upon for our big events. Please let us know if you know anyone - perhaps a grandchild who is a student? They must be at least 18 years old and preferably have food handling experience and a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate. Just sent me an email at