Photo of presenter

This clinic is highly recommended - not to be missed!

We, on the Bridge Education committee, are constantly looking for ways to help you improve your game and hence your enjoyment of the game. This month we have invited Joan Butts to present two workshops on Sunday 19 May.

Joan is one of Australia’s best known bridge teachers, Joan Butts. The workshops are multi-level and suitable for players of all abilities.

Workshop 1 - Slam Bidding (10am-12pm)

There are three ways to approach slam bidding; understanding when and why one approach should be used rather than another, is the key to success at the six (or even seven) level. The morning’s workshop will look at partnership bidding in this important area.

Workshop 2 - Conventions - (12:30pm-2:30pm)

Knowing why you use certain tools is important. Having too many gadgets and not fully understanding them is a waste of time. Some conventions are necessary for success - we will look at two of these in the afternoon session.

Price $40 - please register with Susan Jensen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..