Photo of Heidi and Ray

On the weekend of 4-5 May, we competed in the Autumn Nationals Bridge Congress in Adelaide.

Trumps members Neil Williams and Rob Holgate invited us to join them to enter the Under Life Masters Teams.

To qualify for this category, three team members were required to be under Life Master rank (300MP) while one team member could be a Life Master, but below Bronze Life Master rank.

The event comprised nine rounds, 5x12 boards on Saturday and 4x14 boards on Sunday. By Saturday evening, after R5, we were coming second. On Sunday, during R7, we crept into first place, hanging on doggedly for the final two rounds to win the event. A highlight was beating the South Australian Youth Team, though it must be said that the youngest member of the team was only 10 years old! Check the full results.

We would highly recommend this very well organised congress, held at the Adelaide Showground just outside the CBD. We stayed at a very comfortable Airbnb in Glenelg, a lovely seaside suburb with great restaurants, an easy tram ride from the venue. We plan to be there again next year!

Heidi Colenbrander and Ray Hurst